Wednesday 28 December 2016

Blogmas Day 28 - What to do after Christmas

Blogmas Day 28
Hey, so I know a lot of people like me after Christmas always find themselves wondering what to do with themselves after Christmas so today I thought I would share with you what I do after Christmas:

Plan and prepare for the New Year – so if you have been reading my posts for a while you will probably have realised that I can be an absolute control freak so planning for the new year or planning new year’s eve or my plans for 2017 is something that I really enjoy and although some people may think that I am insane, this is definitely one of my favourite things of starting a new year and if you can be an organiser I suggest you try it.

Write a bucket list for 2017 – so I actually have a really long bucket list that I want to complete by the end of my life but I like to split it up into setting myself targets on sections to complete each year although I do some spontaneously but doing this means you can do more of your list, I think that this is important especially because my bucket list is always growing and I worry that unless I plan ahead I may never get to finish my list.

Try something new Рso you will hear me say this a lot and will probably start to get boring but I really enjoy doing new things and I think although it is very much a clich̩ I think that doing new things at the start of the year is the best way to do things because you have a chance to really work it into your daily routine and make something new a part of your life and I honestly love doing something new and changing my daily routine.

Involve yourself in a new hobby – so I feel like at the start of the year, this is your chance to do something to better your life and throwing yourself into a hobby when you have limited work to do, this allows you to broaden yourself to lots of more activities that you can enjoy for a long time, also I really love to try new things because it just means that you learn more about yourself and you get to learn something new.

Change something about yourself – so I strongly believe in the statement new year, new you so every year I try to change something about myself for the better, not only to make myself a better person each year but so that over my entire life I will end up as a much better person than how I started off, I also try to start off the new year by doing something completely selfish and although I really like to do this the whole time I try to make a real difference at the start of the year.

I hope you enjoyed this post and let me know what you like to do after Christmas. Let me know of anything you would like me to talk about in another future post. Thats all for now,

Bella xxx

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